Intensity and Isolation

by | May 28, 2020 | Help for Couples | 0 comments

There is a strange new combination of pressures that come with this disaster of the COVID19 pandemic. Are you feeling the intensity of every decision? No wonder we are exhausted! Just thinking through the plan for the day, the many choices and options that may involve threat, the discombobulation of learning new technology platforms and reorienting your life to comply with the public health decrees… is intense!

Then, add isolation to this already strange formula of new behaviors and we have a perfect storm of trouble getting in the way of our well being. I used to feel like a vibrant part of my neighborhood, my work group, my family and friend groups. Now, it all feels like so much work and so many complaining conversations about the constraints we are under. I worry about those of us who are most vulnerable to isolation and rumination that is uninterrupted by our normal distractions – running to the store, coffee with a friend, going out to eat, blowing off some steam by shopping for new towels.

My hope in naming the problems as intensity and isolation, we can now learn to identify and manage accordingly. This will be a different experience for each of us as we try to call out the things that feel intense and the contributing factors to your unique feelings of isolation. Maybe, by naming them we can start to tame them?


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